Minutes from August 17, 2022 Meeting of the Health and General Welfare Committee:


Zanne Mrlik

Robert Reinhard

Barbara Cohen

Vanessa Jackson

Steven White

Malcolm Gissen


Zanne opened the Meeting at 5:30. Committee welcomed new member Barbara Cohen, retired

administrator in the SFUSD and mental health advocate.  

Malcolm led us in prayer. 

Minutes were approved.

Committee members were encouraged to volunteer to help with any issue that compels them-

the more participation the better.

Committee help will be needed to publicize our October 2 Forum “Housing is Health” once

the flyer is prepared.  Confirmed panelists will be Del Seymour, Founder Code Tenderloin,

Carolina Reid, UC Berkeley Professor, and Kyriell Noon, Executive Director of Hamilton


Advocacy efforts continue.  We are a co-sponsor of SB 17 which would establish an Office of

Racial Equity.  As of 8-15-22, it is an active bill in the Assembly.

We submitted a comment in support of AB 1666 which was signed by the Governor on 6-24-

22.  Robert noted that we should draft a short comment to post on our website expressing

our anger on the USSC’s overturning Roe v. Wade and our support for Proposition 1 to

prevent the state from denying or interfering with an individual’s decision to have an abortion

or to choose or refuse contraceptives, which will be on the Ballot in November.  Malcolm

noted that Linda was going to draft a comment.  Zanne will follow up with her.  We also need

to beef up our Health and General Welfare Committee presence on our coalition

website.  Zanne will contact Virginia Puccio for website help.

We have asked to join both the California Coalition for Reproductive Freedom and the

California Future of Abortion Council to collectively advocate for Reproductive Rights, and

specifically abortion.  We thought being a part of a collaborative advocacy would be most


We have submitted a comment in support of SB 914 to reduce gender bias and disparities in

outcomes in California’s response to homelessness by embedding a focus on domestic

violence survivors and other vulnerable populations into state and local homelessness

plans.  As of 8-16-22, it is an active bill in the Assembly.

Robert discussed a recent Lancet article on an important scientific study on racial disparities

in life expectancy conducted by a world-renowned institute of metrics of health.  It collected

data through 2019, and looked state by state, county to county examining the life

expectancies along racial and ethnic lines, encompassing all causes of mortality. Sadly, it

showed the largest disparity in all of California in San Francisco County where life

expectancy for Black San Franciscan’s is 71 years and White San Franciscan’s is 83 years, a

more than 10 year disparity.

Robert proposed we make a public comment to the San Francisco Health Commission on the

article outlining what it says, why it is bad, ask the city to address the racial disparity in life

expectancy as an agenda item, and to convene a working group of health experts, and

government and community leaders to actively address this disparity.

Barbara was not surprised at the results of the study.  It ties to systemic racism and

inequities in social, education, housing, and incarceration issues.  Barbara suggested we

reach out for support from African American groups.  This issue would be a legitimate

coming together for the Black community.  Barbara noted that Fred Blackwell of SF

Foundation is looking at racial equity.

Robert will draft a comment and solicit input from the committee.  The committee will present

its comment to the Health Commission.  Thereafter, we will seek support from the African

American and Faith Communities and reach out to the Board of Supervisors.

Vanessa reported that the Community Graduation Party June 18 at Grace Tabernacle

Community Church that the committee supported was a huge success!  Approximately 80

graduates attended.  Graduation prizes were given, cakes were eaten and a good time had by


Vanessa hopes to put laundry baskets together for seniors in the near future.  The committee

would like to actively participate in helping.  Vanessa will get back to us with possible dates.

On September 18, there will be Reparations Teach-In hosted by the Community and

Economic Development Committee.  They need volunteers.  To help contact Ann Rubin at

415-740-0735, emailamr@aol.com

Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm


Comment in support of Prop 1


Covid Returns to California’s Prisons and the California Department of Correctios & Rehabilitation (“CDCR”) Cannot Protect Incarcerated People